About Hildebrand Chiropractic in State College PA

Check out this article to learn more about our State College PA chiropractic clinic and why we do what we do.
About Hildebrand Chiropractic
After practicing in Colorado for about seven years, Dr. Russell Hildebrand wanted to move back to his home state of Pennsylvania. “Having two kids, I decided it would be better to grow up with family members nearby, rather than vacation all the time to see family,” he said. So Dr. Hildebrand moved east with his family and opened Hildebrand Chiropractic in January 2008.
A Cheerful Fixture in Happy Valley
Given the presence of Penn State and the energy of the town thanks to the many students, we’re delighted to be part of this beautiful community. Our upbeat and welcoming chiropractic office is the ideal place to begin or continue your healing journey, and just feel your best!
The Value of Preventative Care in State College PA
Many people don’t seek care until they’re in pain or encounter a health problem. Just like you go to the dentist twice a year to keep your smile healthy, we recommend chiropractic care regularly to keep your spine healthy and your nervous system tuned up. Our safe, gentle and effective care is suitable for patients of all ages.
"One thing that separates us from medical doctors and physical therapists is they’ll pick one problem and that’s all they treat. Here, if you have multiple complaints, we address them all.”
Dr. Hildebrand
Our average treatment plan consists of 24 visits, and we’ll do an update exam after 12 visits. “I may get a case where a patient’s lower back or neck feels better, yet they’re still getting headaches. So I’ll dig in a little deeper and change things up a little bit which is key,” he added. Dr. Hildebrand gets excellent results for his patients, which may contribute to the many referrals and positive reviews he gets.
Monday - Thursday
9:30am - 12:30pm
2:30pm - 5:30pm
Friday - Sunday
Hildebrand Chiropractic
1460 Martin St
State College, PA 16803